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Pressure Washing Brick

Pressure Washing

The Dos and Don’ts of Pressure Washing Brick

Bricks are a durable and popular choice for both indoor and outdoor surfaces, but they can be difficult to clean. Pressure washing brick is one of the most effective ways to clean brick surfaces, but it can also damage the bricks if not done correctly. It’s important to take care when pressure washing brick, as you can damage the surface if you’re not careful. We’ll discuss some Dos and Don’ts of pressure washing brick so that you can clean your surfaces effectively without damaging them.

Pressure Washing Brick
Pressure Washing Brick

Pressure washing brick is a great way to clean it and restore its original color. But there are some dos and don’ts you should keep in mind to make sure the job is done safely and correctly. Here are a few of them:

DO: Use the Correct Pressure

The pressure of the water coming out of the pressure washer nozzle is important. If the pressure is too high, it can damage the brick. If the pressure is too low, it won’t be effective at cleaning the surface. This is why it’s important to use the correct pressure setting for your pressure washer.

DON’T: Use a Rotating Nozzle

A rotating nozzle on a pressure washer can damage the brick. Stick to a standard, non-rotating nozzle. You may need to use a brush attachment to help scrub the surface if the dirt is stubborn. This will help avoid any damage to the brick. 

DO: Move the Nozzle in a Zig-Zag Pattern

To avoid damaging the brick, don’t hold the pressure washer nozzle in one spot for too long. Instead, move it in a zig-zag pattern across the surface. This will help evenly distribute the water pressure and avoid any concentrated areas of pressure that could damage the brick.

DON’T: Use Chemical Cleaners

Chemical cleaners are not necessary and can actually be harmful to brick. Stick to using water pressure and a brush attachment to clean the surface. Always test a small area first to make sure the pressure washing brick won’t damage it.

DO: Rinse Thoroughly

After you’ve pressure washed the brick, be sure to rinse it thoroughly with clean water. This will help remove any soap residue or cleaners that could damage the brick. Let the brick air dry or use a soft cloth to dry it off.

DON’T:  Forget to Protect Your Plants

When pressure washing brick, be sure to protect any nearby plants. They can be damaged by the high pressure of the water. Cover them with a tarp or move them out of the way before you begin pressure washing.

DO: Wear Protective Gear

When pressure washing brick, it’s important to wear protective gear. This includes eye protection and clothing that covers your skin. Pressure washing can be dangerous, so it’s important to take the necessary precautions.

By following these dos and don’ts, you can effectively pressure wash your brick surfaces without damaging them. Remember to use the correct pressure setting, avoid using a rotating nozzle, and move the nozzle in a zig-zag pattern. Also, be sure to rinse the surface thoroughly afterwards and protect any nearby plants. And always wear protective gear when pressure washing. With these tips, you can safely and effectively clean your brick surfaces.

Pressure Washing
Pressure Washing
(843) 895-2800

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